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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Beta #3...

...1760!!  We're tripling in 48 hours!  I had to do this blood draw at work since I worked 6:30am-7:00pm and couldn't get to the RE's office.  I went down to medical records and got a copy so I actually knew before my RE did!  They called when they got the results and schedule our first ultrasound for September 3rd at 8:00am.  

I'm five weeks and 3 days today and aside form sore breasts off and on and waves of nausea, I don't really have any symptoms.  I did start having some cramping & pressure over the past few days, but the What to Expect book says that's okay as long as there's no bleeding.  

We're still cautiously optimistic and praying that God sustains this pregnancy and our little bit grows strong and healthy for the next 8 months!  I'll feel infinitely better after the ultrasound...only 1 more week!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Beta #2....

....Drumroll, please.....528!!!  That's more than double my 177 from Monday!  It looks like Little Bit is sticking around!  I'll repeat blood work on Friday and after they get those results we'll schedule the first ultrasound.  I just breathed a HUGE sigh of relief!  God is so very good!!!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Beta Today...

...and I've been up since 4:00!  I know I didn't update after our IUI #2, but my summer classes were ridiculously time consuming!!  I just wrapped them up last week and have a week to relax before fall semester starts.  

IUI #2 went off without a hitch.  It ended up falling on a Sunday so we had to go to our RE's office in Rockville, MD which was a bit farther away than our usual Annapolis location, but Bill and I enjoyed the ride together and since it fell on a Sunday, he got to be there too!  Post wash count was 14 million which was double the last time if my memory serves me correctly.  

As far as symptoms go these past few weeks, the only thing that was new and unusual was back pain.  I really never get back pain during that time of the month and I thought that was weird.  I started testing on Friday morning...when I didn't see the line showing up right away, I tossed it in the trash.  When I woke up an hour later I swore I saw a line.  Tested again Saturday morning-definitely a line and a little darker.  Sunday morning- darker line that came up quicker!  Sunday evening- even darker and quicker!  I bought two First Response tests because the other ones were dollar tree cheapies and low and behold we got a super dark, super quick second line with that one!!  

We went for blood work at 7:15 and then to the gym.  We met my parents at Bob Evans for breakfast after the gym and decided to tell them.  My mom was waiting to go to the beach until she heard results and we knew it would be positive we just weren't sure how positive so we went ahead and told them.  They were thrilled and cried, of course!  Next stop was to drop flowers off to MIL with a card that read "I love you, Grandmom!  Love, Baby Buddy" (Bill and I call each other Buddy so this nickname seemed appropriate).  She squealed and cried so I'm sure the whole bank branch she works at knows.  Then we were off to my FIL's shop.  We had bought a little camo onesie and I asked him if he could have it embroidered with the shop logo and "Grandad's Little Buddy".  He just stared at me for a minute and said "That's a good thing, right??  That's good????"  

Our REs office called around 12:00 with results and said our BETA was 177 at 15 dpiui!!  They said they wanted it between 75 and 100 so they were very happy with 177!!  We have blood work again on Wednesday and Friday to make sure the numbers are rising and first ultrasound will be scheduled after we get those results.  

I really don't think it's sunk in yet.  I've been getting faint positives for 4 days and all I can do is pray that this little baby keeps growing strong.  I know it's still super, super early but I can't help but be optimistic this time!  God is soooooo good!!!