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Saturday, October 5, 2013

Making a bad situation worse...

Since the doctor who did our ultrasound and gave us the bad news on Tuesday wouldn't be doing our D&C yesterday, I had to meet with that doctor on Thursday.  Without going into detail because I don't really want to remember the way he made me feel, this guy was horrible!  I've never felt so bullied and belittled by a medical "professional" in all my life.  He spoke to me like some stupid child and not a women who was suffering a miscarriage.  I left the office in tears and dreaded having to see this man the next day.  My initial experiences at the hospital were wonderful and the beginning of my  conversation with him was actually ok and I thought maybe he was just having an off day on Thursday and then he started again.  By the time he finally went away and my nurse came in to start my IV I was balling again.  Aside from him being a wretched individual, the whole experience went as well as can be expected.  My nursing staff was wonderful!  The nurse who came in to start my IV and do my pre-op assessment gave me a bracelet with a butterfly on it in honor of our baby and a packet with information on grief counseling that they offer at the hospital.  She dried my tears caused by that nasty doctor and walked me through the process.  My OR nurse and anesthesiologist were wonderful and the nurses and techs in PACU were amazing as well.  It has definitely made me feel more confident in my choice of hospitals to deliver at but I will be researching a new OB practice.  

Yesterday I was pretty crampy and light headed.  Bill took care of me and watched the clock to give me my meds on time and even woke me up at 3am to give me another dose.  The doctor said he expected me to bleed more than others because I hadn't started bleeding on my own prior to the procedure, but it hasn't been anything unbearable at all.  I called and left a message for our nurse at the REs office and asked if I could have my HCG levels monitored through them instead of having to deal with that OB practice again.  Hopefully I'll hear back from her on Monday.  

We had the doctor send tissue samples to the lab in hopes that our RE could garner some information from the results that may help us for next time and the doctor said they could determine the sex of the baby from those samples and if we didn't want to know then we needed to tell our RE.  I'm struggling with this decision because I realize that we'll see this child again someday and I would like him/her to have a name, but I worry that that knowledge might make it more painful.  They said results could take ten days so we have some time to figure it out.  

As for trying again, I've read that there's a fertile window after a miscarriage that lasts only a cycle or two so I think we're going to try again as soon as the RE says it's ok which should be when I get my first period after the D&C.  That's assuming we're emotionally ready which I feel like we will be.  God's grace has lessened the sting of this pain considerably and while it's still there, I don't find myself crying constantly.  With each disappointment we've had along this journey, He has comforted us in a way I never knew possible and for that I am most grateful.  While I still mourn the loss of this child, I know that He has another one waiting for us and we'll meet our angel baby in heaven one day.  These thoughts make this almost bearable.

1 comment:

  1. You are on my heart, my friend. I remember the days surrounding my D&C so clearly, and it breaks my heart to think that you are now experiencing the same thing. Praying for you both.
