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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

What a day...

...Most exciting news of today...I PASSED MY FINAL!!!  I've officially passed nursing school!!  The sense of relief that I feel right now is indescribable!!

In baby news...I had my IUI this morning and compared to my previous FETs this was a walk in the park.  Our post wash count was 7 million which the doctor said was good.  I've read mixed opinions about that on different websites, but if the doctor said it's good then that's what I'm going to go with.  Bill wasn't able to go with me today (one of the set backs of being a small business owner), but Mom went with me and I think it meant a lot to her to be there.  We were in and out in 20 minutes and the painless procedure only took 5 minutes.  I think that trigger shot is causing a lot of twinges, cramps and overall weirdness in my uterine region so it'll be hard to decipher those from pregnancy symptoms if this ends up being successful.

I've decided to completely turn this over to God.  I realize that I would have to test everyday to see when the trigger was out of my system and then wait for a "real" positive.  All of that is a lot of headache that I don't want to put myself through.  If this is meant to be, it will be and if not we'll regroup and move on.  I go for my beta on the 29th which is the day of my nursing school pinning so, hopefully that will be another great day to remember!


  1. Congrats on passing nursing school! That's an amazing accomplishment!

    So glad your IUI went well. I agree, IUIs are so much easier than FETs!

    I do think your doctor is right that 7 million is fine for IUI, but you might check with Cryogenic Laboratories because I think their guarantee is 10 million for IUI samples, so you might get some money back if this cycle is a bust. (Not saying it will be AT ALL! I think your chances are great!) It just wouldn't hurt to look into and all that. :)

    1. I'll double check on it once we get the results back, but we ordered an ICI prep because it was a little less expensive and our doctors office said they wash ICI preps for free before the procedure. I'd have to double check and see what the post thaw count was as opposed to the post wash. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. For now we're just praying that I'm growing a little person! :)
